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Wyatt Tait

Education: University of Manitoba, one year left of study to achieve a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology and Sociology


Passion Hobbies:  I love the sport of basketball and have played throughout my whole life, and am grateful to be a member of the men’s basketball team at U of M! Outside of basketball I like to spend time with family and friends and enjoy being outdoors in the summer and staying active. I am also interested in physical fitness and like to lift weights as well as learn about how to improve overall health!



Professional Aspirations:  A dream of mine has always been to be a professional basketball player overseas, which I hope to achieve after this year. I would also like to use my Bachelor's degree to work in a career that involves helping others, wherever that takes me! A career in the fitness industry is also something I would love to achieve.



Personal Story: I have many fond memories of playing basketball growing up, but my favourite memory has to be playing for Team Manitoba in the Nationals that were held in Winnipeg in 2016. Being able to represent Manitoba in front of all my friends and family was an awesome experience, and although we lost in the semi-final, it was an experience I will never forget.

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