Sarah Reilly - Lead Coach
Passions/Hobbies: I love basketball, music, and being outdoors (except for January and February - good thing that’s basketball season!) I love going on day-adventures with my husband, our son, and our dog, Rykah. I’m excited to be part of this incredible program for preschoolers, and I look forward to getting to know your mini baller on the court!
Professional Lense: I have been a high school educator at Maples Collegiate since 2015, and I love it. I teach a wide range of English and Social Science courses which focus on social justice and present-day society. I’m not sure where the future will take me, but I love being a teacher and working with youth!
Personal story: That time when Steph Curry held the door open for me…. In the spring of 2014 I was living in Toronto, Ontario, completing my Education degree. My friend Jessica was visiting. It was a rainy day so, as we made our way downtown to find lunch, we wandered through the underground tunnels instead of walking outdoors. Eventually we climbed a set of stairs to ground level, and wound up in an incredibly fancy hotel. As we were exiting the hotel, a man around our age paused to wait for a friend, and held the door open for us. When we walked outside, we found security guards keeping a crowd of people back from the entrance. The onlookers began cheering, taking photos, and shooting videos, as the man and his friend walked out a few moments after us. Confused, we asked a young boy what was going on. That’s Steph Curry - NBA star! Don’t you know who Steph Curry is? he replied. This was 2014 and Steph was just a rising star! I only knew of the most-famous NBA players at this point and neither one of us knew of Curry. Today, I can’t believe Steph Curry held the door for me, and I’m grateful it happened then and not today, because I’m sure I would lose my mind in excitement were it to happen now!